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Life Insurance FAQs

Here you'll find answers to general Life Insurance questions.

Get a quote for term life insurance

Select a state

如果您对其他寿险产品感兴趣,请联系a State Farm agent.

Items needed for a quote

Life quote

Yes. Your agent can email a PDF of your quote.

Yes. 您需要一个电子邮件地址来完成电子申请并查看策略信息文档.

Note: If you do not have an email address, contact a State Farm® agent to apply for coverage.

如果您提供邮箱地址并同意接收邮件通知,则可以接收到邮件通知. 您将不会收到任何生活报价或应用程序通知的短信.

If you do not have an email address and consent, contact your State Farm® agent for application notifications.

If you are interested in select term products, please proceed. 如果您有更多问题或对其他类型的生命产品感兴趣,请联系a State Farm Agent.

To request a term life insurance quote online:

  1. Locate Get a quote for term life insurance at the top of this page.
  2. In the State field, select your state from the drop-down list and click Go.
  3. Complete all of the information on the Life Insurance Quote page and click Get Quote.

To see your saved quote, complete these steps:

  1. Log in to®.
  2. Click Continue under the saved quote on your My Accounts page.

Note: You must be a registered user to retrieve saved quotes.

To send your quote to an agent, complete these steps:

  1. Locate Get a quote for term life insurance at the top of this page.
  2. In the State field, select your state from the drop-down list and click Go.
  3. Complete all of the information for the Life Insurance Quote page and click Get Quote.
  4. Complete the information on the Customize Policy page or review the Your Quote Summary screen.
  5. Click Send to Agent in the left corner of the screen.
  6. Complete the required information on the Send to Agent screen and click Send to Agent.

Note: Once the agent accesses the quote or application, 您将无法再编辑您的报价或申请. However, 您可透过“客户人寿承保状态视图”(CLUSV)浏览您的申请进度 My Accounts.

Yes. 你可以通过以下方式检索你的生活引用和应用:

  • Follow the instructions in the email you received.
  • Log in to®,然后在要查看的保存报价下单击“继续”.


Yes. 一旦你选择了一个产品,你可以通过点击保存你的报价 Save at the bottom of any page. The saved quote is available for 30 days.

Note: 如果自保存报价以来已超过30天,则必须重新启动报价.

当你拿到州立农场的人寿pp王者电子官网报价时,你可以选择州立农场的代理人.com®. 如果您在开始申请之前没有选择代理,系统将为您分配一个代理. 一旦启动了生命期应用程序,就不能更改代理了.

No. Not all life products are available to apply online. Contact a State Farm® agent if you cannot apply online for a specific product.

Life application

To check your life application status:

  1. Log in to® to access your My Accounts page.
  2. Select Click Here to view the Life Underwriting Status. The Customer Life Underwriting Status View (CLUSV) appears.

Note: 如果您在不同的设备上启动应用程序,而不是您正在检查状态的设备, 您需要在状态农场上重新验证新设备.com.

Yes. If you start an application online and contact an agent 为了提供帮助,代理可以在您签名之前编辑申请. 一旦所有相关方完成签名程序,代理即可提交申请.


Yes. 如果你在网上完成申请,你可以电子签名.

如果申请是由代理提交的,你也可以通过电子方式签署文件 Email Initiated Signatures. Once the agent selects the electronic signature option, you will receive an email with a link to apply signatures.

Note: 根据状态和策略选择类型提供电子邮件签名选项.

Yes. 联系您的代理,他们可以重新发送您的电子邮件签名请求.

Note: The eSignature email is only valid for 30 days.

对人寿pp王者电子官网申请中某些问题的回答将导致该申请被转发给State Farm®代理. When this occurs, contact a State Farm agent to continue the application process.


  • Personal
  • Medical
  • Lifestyle and travel
  • Payment information

Note: Depending on your age and the coverage type you select, you may not need to provide all of the above information.

如果您无法在statefarm上完成您的生活申请.com®, contact your State Farm agent® to continue the application process.

You cannot edit your application on your My Accounts page in the following situations:

  • You signed and submitted the application
  • An agent has retrieved your application

If you are interested in this product, please contact a State Farm® agent.

Life supporting documents

State Farm® does not support downloading or viewing PDF documents from My Documents on Android smartphones.

Yes. Click My Documents to view PDF documents. If a blank window appears, navigate back to the My Documents tab or window, but do not close it. 选定的文档将在前面的空白选项卡或窗口中自动打开.


Complete these steps to print your lab results:

  1. Log in to® to access your My Accounts page.
  2. Click View your application.
  3. On the Verify your Identity page, verify your identity.
  4. Click Next. Your Life Insurance Application page appears.
  5. Click Download Laboratory Results.

Life payments & billing

根据投保金额和您在申请表上提供的详细信息, these are the possible payment options available:

  • Pay Now
  • Pay Later

Note: If you do not see a payment option, call 1-800-782-83321-800-782-8332.

No. The quote is free. 报价是基于您提供的信息和您选择的产品. 该报价不是合同、活页夹或延长人寿pp王者电子官网范围的协议.

At State Farm®我们非常重视您对网络安全的担忧,因此您可以放心付款. 我们采用行业标准控制来保护客户数据并保持服务器环境稳定.

Additional life insurance FAQs

如果您对某些定期产品感兴趣,请找到 Get a quote for term life insurance link at the top of this page. 如果您有更多问题或对其他类型的生命产品感兴趣,请联系a State Farm® agent.

不,多线路折扣(MLD)只适用于汽车pp王者电子官网费,并因州而异. Contact a State Farm® agent for questions on qualifying policies and available discounts.

All life insurance policies offered by State Farm® are participating, or eligible for dividends. However, certain policies types, such as Term or Universal Life, are not anticipated to earn dividends.

If you qualify for a binding receipt, 根据有约束力的收据,pp王者电子官网范围从保费支付和有约束力的收据签发之日起开始. If you do not qualify for a binding receipt, 只有在人寿pp王者电子官网公司批准您的pp王者电子官网申请并支付保费后,pp王者电子官网才开始生效.

No. 有约束力的收据根据收据所载条款提供临时人寿pp王者电子官网. 在下列任何一种情况下,有约束力的收据项下的pp王者电子官网终止:

  • Approval of the application
  • Notification of disapproval of the application
  • 60 days from the application date

No. Replacements cannot be processed online. Contact a State Farm® agent about replacing existing coverage.

To exit the application, click Close at the bottom of the page or the X at the top of the page.

Note: After you click the X,您必须等待30分钟才能重新登录到应用程序.

You may not be able to log on because of these reasons:

  • Clicking X to exit the application
  • Technical difficulties
  • Authentication issues

If you cannot log on to the system, please call 1-800-782-83321-800-STATEFARM.